Why ___ IS NOT the Republican savior

First of all, sorry for the hiatus again, passover and school work have been eating up my time. However, I am back with a political post! (DISCLAIMER: This post is not designed to insult Republicans or be a partisan post in any way)

Answer the following question wisely, pick what you believe is the Republican savior:

A – Chris Christie Nominating moderate candidates who are electable in Democratic states

B- Rubio 2 + Hispanic Vote  Marco Rubio and the growing Hispanic vote will save the GOP

C – Technology Voter technology like the Obama campaign had with Narwhal (the in-depth voter tracking system)

D – College Students Getting the youngsters who are graduating college and will be voting for the next 50 years

E – Pro LIfeWorking to make single issue voters who are socially conservative be seen as more “accepting”

If you answered any of the above you are wrong.

In this bloggers opinion, and again it is just me, I firmly believe the Republican Party needs a make over, not one thing to change. There is no Republican savior because there can be no “magic bullet” (one thing fixes all).

The Republican party needs to incorporate everything above and more if they want to win. This is not a post bashing conservatives or right leaning people in any way. This post is simply to say THERE IS NO ONE THING ANYONE CAN CHANGE!

In order to fix the party and make it more inviting and electable, the Republican Party has to re-frame their issues, capture the growing demographic votes (aka not the old white vote that is dying out but the young vote and minority vote), brush up on their technology, and nominate electable candidates (sorry Tea Party-ers). If they do all of that they have got a better chance of running against the Democrats. This is of course dependent on the fact that the Dems ‘t nominate someone worth electing, if they nominate an old white male who has no charisma…bets may be off.

I am as non-partisan as you can be in this post, in my opinion these are facts. I purposely have not said my political views on this blog because I am still growing and learning. However, I feel frustrated with all these people saying “Rubio will save the Republican Party.” No, he really wont unless the party does some substantial re-branding/framing and conducts the PR campaign of the century which I believe they should.

One possible frame they could use I read when researching a paper I just talked about the idea that Republicans are compassionate by Gary Bauer. The article you can read  here talks about how Conservatives should be concerned and the champion of life, from the unborn fetus to the 85-year-old and their Medicare. This would be a very interesting frame to take and I would love to see Republicans middle of the road it a little more along with showing their sensitive side.

Oh, and no more of this Rubio 1

What do you think? Is there a magic bullet?

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2 responses to “Why ___ IS NOT the Republican savior”

  1. Jay Holmes says :

    Hello Sleepless. I see no magic bullet. I hope that the Republicans are reading your post. The idea of a “One Party by default” system is depressing. This system that we now have where both parties are almost owned by large commercial interests is bad enough. Campaign finance reform won’t take another step forward until both parties are competing with real ideas.

    My best guess is that Republicans need to come to a better understanding of what moderate American’s want. They can not change the minds of devout Democrats and they won’t lose the votes of devout Republicans, success comes from engaging independent-minded voters.

    • jackgoldberg says :

      I totally agree Jay, I think that the more moderate and less dead-lock will show moderate Americans who are sick of bickering and ideological wars that it is time to put this countries politics back on track.

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